NDR - Vintage Bentley Specialist

1931 Blower Bentley.

01923 220370
One of the last 4.5 Litre Bentleys to leave the Cricklewood works.
Significantly, this particular Bentley is one of the 120 produced with what is latterly termed as the "heavy crank" engine, this being specifically designed for the fitment of the Amherst Villiers supercharger, the crankshaft being almost 60% heavier than the standard 4.5 Litre item.
In ordinary circumstances this would offer no advantage, in fact it could be argued that the engine is called upon to rotate a greater mass. However for the supercharged Bentley - the fabled "Blower" - this is the only engine suitable.
Bentley never produced a brochure for their supercharged model. The supercharger was in reality an option at, in 1931, an extra cost of £100.00.This represented a 10% premium over the standard 4.5 Litre chassis.
Should the client not wish to take advantage of this, the spigot for the supercharger drive was removed from the crankshaft hence the standard "heavy crank" engine.
With only 50 Blower Bentleys produced and gaining an iconic status, a demand for converting a standard 4.5 litre arose. Ironic really - had such a demand arisen in period the fate of the old Bentley company may have been entirely different.
The "heavy crank" Bentley became a very desirable commodity. If an enthusiast really wanted a Blower and funds could not run to one of the fabled fifty, or if a heavy crankshaft example was not available to uprate then the alternative was - and still is - to have an entirely new engine produced. To add a further twist to this the discarded 4.5 litre engine was frequently sold to fund the project and many have since found their way into 3 Litre Bentleys. Enthusiasm for our cherished marque exists across the range. Bloody marvelous really.
So here is a supercharged Bentley with its original engine designed to be fitted with the supercharger, correctly uprated with an Amherst Villiers original pattern supercharger, mated to a close ratio D type gearbox and presenting in excellent condition belying the fact that she was restored to this form over 30 years ago.
Smooth and powerful on the road with rugged and charismatic good looks, this Blower Bentley is an automotive matinee idol.
It is a fitting tribute to the Blower Bentley that Bentley Motors have produced 12 continuation models produced from scanning one of the original team cars - 90 years after the doors were closed for the last time at Cricklewood.
Regretfully we cannot offer one of these for sale as they have all found enthusiastic purchasers at a figure which would buy this car plus several new Bentley models. So we are delighted to offer this original Cricklewood Bentley which left the works in 1931 and has had considerable expenditure lavished upon it to give the full Blower Bentley experience.
Powerful, visceral and engaging for both the driver and the spectator.
01923 220370
